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Image Credit: Albert Weng

文:Albert Weng 翁溓松



這場演講的主講人是 陳星合 老師,他最廣為人知的重大事蹟,就是台灣第一位加入全球最知名的雜耍劇團「太陽劇團」(Cirques du Soleil) 的成員,並且在該劇團目前唯一以高空互動表演舞台聞名的「」劇正式登台演出。在參加這場演講之前,我除了持續追縱他在臉書上的各種驚奇的進展故事之外,也曾當面和他交流請益一些關於他太陽人生的點點滴滴。在 11月的時候,知道他即將有一系列的演講行程時,就一直希望能有機會親臨現場,親身感受那股炙熱的太陽能量!終於,我的念力讓夢想成真,幾天後,陳星合老師告知有一場在台北的企業內訓可以帶幾位「工作人員」進場,聽到這消息後,立即排除萬難爭取這個「無作為工作人員」一職,這真是心想事成!


從「愛達行銷定律」(AIDA Principle) 來談這場演講




在開場的演出後,緊接著陳星合老師從自身的成長歷展開始講起,部份的故事,也曾在 2013 的 TEDxTaipei 提過,但當天的時間較 TED 充裕,講起故事的精采程度與細節的轉折趣味,就不是隔著螢幕看影片可以比擬,演講中,我特別喜歡陳星合老師年輕的時候做過的幾件一般人不會做、不敢做、不想做,但卻很可能是一點一滴改變了一生的事,我只試舉幾個例,其他更有趣有料的,推薦找機會去現場聽聽當事人的現身說法,絕對是掛保證的精采!

1. 為自己立個大志



2. 直接找向大人物 (Hello, Mr. Big!)



3. 英文程度不重要,敢用出來才有用










來自太陽的勇者陳星合 (Hsing-Ho Chen) at TEDxTaipei 2013

20140913 公視 [老師,您哪位?] S1-6 陳星合的表演藝術課


President Barack Obama: Remarks by the President in a Press Conference (Mid-term Election)

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Image Credit: usatoday

Remarks by the President in a Press Conference

East Room
2:57 P.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Have a seat.
Today, I had a chance to speak with John Boehner and congratulated Mitch McConnell on becoming the next Senate Majority Leader.  And I told them both that I look forward to finishing up this Congress’ business, and then working together for the next two years to advance America’s business.  And I very much appreciated Leader McConnell’s words last night about the prospect of working together to deliver for the American people. On Friday, I look forward to hosting the entire Republican and Democratic leadership at the White House to chart a new course forward.

Obviously, Republicans had a good night, and they deserve credit for running good campaigns.  Beyond that, I’ll leave it to all of you and the professional pundits to pick through yesterday’s results.  What stands out to me, though, is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now.  They expect the people they elect to work as hard as they do.  They expect us to focus on their ambitions and not ours.  They want us to get the job done. 
All of us, in both parties, have a responsibility to address that sentiment.  Still, as President, I have a unique responsibility to try and make this town work.  So, to everyone who voted, I want you to know that I hear you.  To the two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you, too.  All of us have to give more Americans a reason to feel like the ground is stable beneath their feet, that the future is secure, that there’s a path for young people to succeed, and that folks here in Washington are concerned about them.  So I plan on spending every moment of the next two-plus years doing my job the best I can to keep this country safe and to make sure that more Americans share in its prosperity.
This country has made real progress since the crisis six years ago.  The fact is more Americans are working; unemployment has come down.  More Americans have health insurance.  Manufacturing has grown.  Our deficits have shrunk.  Our dependence on foreign oil is down, as are gas prices.  Our graduation rates are up.  Our businesses aren’t just creating jobs at the fastest pace since the 1990s, our economy is outpacing most of the world.  But we’ve just got to keep at it until every American feels the gains of a growing economy where it matters most, and that's in their own lives. 
Obviously, much of that will take action from Congress.  And I’m eager to work with the new Congress to make the next two years as productive as possible.  I'm committed to making sure that I measure ideas not by whether they are from Democrats or Republicans, but whether they work for the American people.  And that’s not to say that we won’t disagree over some issues that we’re passionate about.  We will.  Congress will pass some bills I cannot sign.  I'm pretty sure I'll take some actions that some in Congress will not like.  That’s natural.  That's how our democracy works.  But we can surely find ways to work together on issues where there’s broad agreement among the American people.
So I look forward to Republicans putting forward their governing agenda.  I will offer my ideas on areas where I think we can move together to respond to people’s economic needs.
So, just take one example.  We all agree on the need to create more jobs that pay well.  Traditionally, both parties have been for creating jobs rebuilding our infrastructure -- our roads, bridges, ports, waterways.  I think we can hone in on a way to pay for it through tax reform that closes loopholes and makes it more attractive for companies to create jobs here in the United States. 
We can also work together to grow our exports and open new markets for our manufacturers to sell more American-made goods to the rest of the world.  That's something I’ll be focused on when I travel to Asia next week.
We all share the same aspirations for our young people.  And I was encouraged that this year Republicans agreed to investments that expanded early childhood education.  I think we've got a chance to do more on that front.  We’ve got some common ideas to help more young people afford college and graduate without crippling debt so that they have the freedom to fill the good jobs of tomorrow and buy their first homes and start a family. 
And in the five states where a minimum wage increase was on the ballot last night, voters went five for five to increase it. That will give about 325,000 Americans a raise in states where Republican candidates prevailed.  So that should give us new reason to get it done for everybody, with a national increase in the minimum wage.
So those are some areas where I think we've got some real opportunities to cooperate.  And I am very eager to hear Republican ideas for what they think we can do together over the next couple of years.  Of course, there’s still business on the docket that needs attention this year.  And here are three places where I think we can work together over the next several weeks, before this Congress wraps up for the holidays.
First, I’m submitting a request to Congress for funding to ensure that our doctors, scientists, and troops have the resources that they need to combat the spread of Ebola in Africa and to increase our preparedness for any future cases here at home.
Second, I'm going to begin engaging Congress over a new Authorization to Use Military Force against ISIL.  The world needs to know we are united behind this effort, and the men and women of our military deserve our clear and unified support.
Third, back in September, Congress passed short-term legislation to keep the government open and operating into December.  That gives Congress five weeks to pass a budget for the rest of the fiscal year.  And I hope that they’ll do it in the same bipartisan, drama-free way that they did earlier this year.  When our companies are steadily creating jobs -- which they are -- we don’t want to inject any new uncertainty into the world economy and to the American economy.
The point is it’s time for us to take care of business.  There are things this country has to do that can’t wait another two years or another four years.  There are plans this country has to put in place for our future. 
And the truth is I’m optimistic about our future.  I have good reason to be.  I meet Americans all across the country who are determined, and big-hearted, and ask what they can do, and never give up, and overcome obstacles.  And they inspire me every single day.  So the fact is I still believe in what I said when I was first elected six years ago last night.  For all the maps plastered across our TV screens today, and for all the cynics who say otherwise, I continue to believe we are simply more than just a collection of red and blue states.  We are the United States. 
And whether it's immigration or climate change, or making sure our kids are going to the best possible schools, to making sure that our communities are creating jobs; whether it's stopping the spread of terror and disease, to opening up doors of opportunity to everybody who’s willing to work hard and take responsibility -- the United States has big things to do.  We can and we will make progress if we do it together.  And I look forward to the work ahead.
So, with that, let me take some questions.  I think that our team has got my list.  And we're going to start with Julie Pace at Associated Press.



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Image Credit: myfacewhen
文:Albert Weng 翁溓松





1. 酸人者,換被人酸!


2. 酸言完全無濟於事!

這是基本的人性啊!沒有人在被別人以酸言酸語的口氣唸被修理還會深自檢討,立志改進的啦!會的人請喊「優」!反而是被酸之後會很認真 (氣憤) 地反擊,不論原本的言行是否正當,這時候面子問題最大,先討回來再說。這樣的一來一往,都是虛功,沒有產生有用的價值,徒增彼此的口舌而已,若是在公開的平台相互指責,不是更讓人看戲,還是一部沒啥營養的戲 (而這樣的劇情都會接著出現討抱取暖的戲碼,屢試不爽…)。

3. 既然這樣,為何要酸?

一來是給自己原本就有的負面情緒找個出口,這種情況就是被酸者要自認倒楣。另一就是酸人可以給自己「哼!看吧!我比你厲害!」的一種自嗨的 fu,這就可以為自己稍稍建立一丁點的瞬間小確幸,但是,瞬間過後,立馬消失,真的。

4. 有時候不酸就忍不住啊!怎辦?




1. 會不自覺被貼標籤


2. 還有更有趣、有用的事啊!


3. 人是會相互影響的,只是不知是正面還是負面




希望這篇帶著淡淡酸意的短文,給大家一點酸中帶甜、酸而不澀的 fu!有嗎?


閱讀的好處是什麼?說說「從 0 到 1」這本「談新創、建未來」的新書

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Image Credit: brightyoungthings

文:Albert Weng 翁溓松


  1. 抒發情緒:小說、勵志、心靈…
  2. 增長知識:學術、專業、工具 (書)…
  3. 促進思考:此類文體較無一定形式,要自己找




這本 Peter Thiel 的新書「從 0 到 1」,談的是一般人的主導思維總是聚焦在「持續改進 (模仿、抄襲、單降成本等皆屬此類)」,充其量只是一種「從 1 到 N」的作法,而真說穿了,這不過是紅海裡的小打小鬧而已,真正具開創性、破壞性的作法,是近乎從無到有的嶄新事業樣貌,包括市場策略、產品設計、通路佈局與行銷手法都得自成一格,呈現「從 0 到 1」般的創新效益。


這本書其實是無心插柳之作,原是 Peter Thiel 在 Stanford 所開設的 CS183 課程太精采,當時課堂上的學生之一 Blake Masters 把上課的筆記完整記下並公開分享在自己的網誌上,不料引來爆量的點閱與全球網友的廣大回響,因此,原本只是一堂課的教學,結果是促成一本精采好書出版至全球!而 Blake Masters 也一夕爆紅,躍升全球知名的暢銷作家之林。把筆記做好的附加價值,原來可以這麼大!

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
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