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Image Credit: solarnetpdf
文:Albert Weng 翁溓松


在這個「開放型競爭」之中,比的是能夠影響、帶領其他人做出更棒、更符合大眾、大我利益的大業;而不再是掌握特定資訊 (資訊不對稱)、或擁有特定權位的「封閉型競爭」。

當資訊越充足、以及藉「分享」激發更多理念相同者時,人民或追隨者,會越來越有能力 (拜社群平台之效) 自主選擇所願意追隨的領袖,過程將更公開、更直接。

被選出的領袖也更必須清醒與清楚地全面負責 (Fully accountable)以達成使命因為高透明度 (Transparency) 將成常態也因此自律與自持 (Self-disciplined and self-restraint) 亦更顯關鍵


這種全新的領導與組織型態很快地將直接挑戰目前當權的另一方不論目前做得好或不好better to adapt and take new initiative to lead in the new future, otherwise, you'll be in a big trouble, very shortly.

預測未來最好的方式,就是創造未來 - Peter F. Drucker


「心路歷程 (Life Story)」:與人對談時最珍貴的時刻

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Image Credit: churchofthehighlands

文:Albert Weng 翁溓松

「心路歷程 (Life Story)」,是我日前受邀回校演講時,特別提到的觀念、也是心境。


又接著說,「同時,也特別在這裡提一下,在未來,當你發現有人向你分享他自己的心路歷程時,往往都是絕佳的學習機會,因為這才是對方最真實/ 寫實/ 現實的經驗,『買得到的書裡不會寫,一般場合沒人會說得出口』,所以把握那些『心路歷程分享時刻 (Life Story Moment)』的學習機會,常常可有意想不到的收獲。」





也就是這種自覺與自在,所以分享的「心路歷程」,還真的是好的不好的都講,聽起來有趣又生動,更重要的是,不是那種為他服務的企業或其個人形象打廣告 (一般看到的都是這種),更真像是朋友坐在邊上,二句、三句,一點一滴話家常的分享其「心路歷程」(怎麼分辦?有沒準備稿子,和是不是全場完整視頻、一鏡到底約略可分辦)



Why You'll Succeed by Being People-centered?

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Image Credit: ictscorp

Posted by: Albert Weng

"Your success stops here?"

Thinks about this. The world is flat. Uneven info, uneven channel of getting a product or good, is gone, or on-the-way to disappear pretty soon. Just so, how the magic differentiation is going to be effective for all business who might not have the unique source of product to sell, anymore?

The market/ customer is thinking something like this, are you aware of?

Your customers are those who buy your products or services not by the reason of no one else offers the same or priced lower, instead, they buy those from you while multiple alternatives also available. But why? They like you, they trust you. They'd like to share their business with you, to share their profits with you, also, to share their risk with you, too. Because you know their business very well. You, authentically like to work with them very well (they can tell). They also know, when there's something wrong, you'll come to them as you head home immediately.

The old-school way for the brand-new future

People buy from people, not machines. For those transactions done through the machines are because of the trust from customers on the people behind those machines, or at least, the customers assume to trust. Once there's any leak or distrusted event happened, the customers will go away, or even step back, for a long while, onto people, again.

People are the most valuable asset to the organization, and will keep enlarging

When it's an info imbalance transaction, customers have limited sources to compare, or the search time for doing so is not economic, thus to accept the comprised offering. Nowadays, thanks to the new era of mobile commerce, everything is brought to customers' fingertips every day, and way much better than many of the trained staff at the store or those answering the customer call. When customers make a call to the dealer, or even pay a visit to the dealer's store or business office, "that means a lot". But, does the dealer know the level of importance from such customer moment? Most likely, "NO". None of the top management is aware of this, nor the front end service staff is alerted or trained for. One of the key reasons for such phenomena is because of the traditional top-down approach on how to get the job done. This assumption for employees help result in the limited and planned effort from each individual, rather than taking the full experience accountable during all the customer engagement. That said, customer service is then, become, a nicely pitched/ printed slogan, instead of a motto from the heart of every staff.

Treating people the way you want them to treat you

When selling a kind of "Me-too" products (come on, Me-too is a must for a modern society, which help made a higher priced product to become commonly acceptable at an affordable price, then the majority of people can buy and enjoy the benefit, thus advance their lives), the product advantage is gone; the price war is not going to lead the way out for the long run; the service, especially those services that truly help your customer on their own concern, and to help figure out the "true solution" for their business, will then help drive more and more business from the same happy customers, in addition, by the positive word-of-mouth effect from them. Follow on this effort, a sustainable business model shall be built by the solid fundamentals and high level of trust between people who offer the service and those who desire and accept the services.
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