
New APPLE that Keeps You Conciously about Every Moment that Counts

Image Credit: unwire.pro

Posted by: Albert Weng

Life is comprised by each moment, which then makes the streaming kind of memory. What best describe this is as below:

The moment = snapshot
Time = memory/ life = video clips (from streamlined snapshots)

Time is Everything and the Moment, is the Only Thing

How we seize and utilize the every moment, which would then make our life. Therefore, it's a lot easier to judge a person from what he/ she is doing right now, instead of listening to his/ her history or future. Trust me, this really works, and much more objective at all time. People who are accountable to themselves, are also consciously focus on almost every moment in their life. They know what they want and what  to do at that particular moment with a strong belief about "no second chance, or, no better chance." Maybe to act, or even to act nothing could both be seriously considerate and consciously perform.

APPLE Bite, Thinking Backward, Acting Forward

How to seize the moment in a general concept that could help one could consciously view and act on a thing? Here to share my experience that works out very well, especially for those moments that're not well defined and planned. It's ELPPA, in procedure (forward), but as APPLE, in concept (backward). Here's what it is and how to bite the APPLE.

1) Exploration

Bring an attitude with curiosity about the moment, try to observe, monitor and take notes about what you have seen or experience. The mind of exploration helps a lot by keeping a proactive dynamics from sensing and receiving the signals and info from the surroundings, this is a critical step for the following advancement.

2) Learning

The exploration opens up the media channel to access the external signal and info, then the learning process help create a framework and structure to digest those lessons learned in a refreshed way to internalize, therefore, in order to build the relevant competency about a knowledge or a skill set.

3) Professional

After the open to the outside from exploration, and build the competency in the inside from learning, one then wish to make it a professional level of gain. This requires thoroughly checking through the area of domain about how to build the professional. It'll require an extensive exposure to those who already has the professional, thus the one who wish to build their professional, will require a lot observations on those would-be counterparts. For example, if you want to become a charismatic presenter, not only those knowledge and skill set shall be learned are important, but also those on how other charming guys doing this job is even more critical. Because you'll need to "shape" your own style among them to become charismatic, but not just another attractive presenter.

4) Performance

In the business world, performance is not a one-time-sensation, regardless of luck or coincidence. Performance is something that's accountable to be repeated at the same if the case is similar, which requires a strong support from its professional (know-how, skill set, solid experience to those unexpected, etc.). When paying off a conscious attitude at the moment, thinking about, in the end, there's a chance to build the professional while delivering the performance as common than ever, this could be encouraging for one to strive for, isn't it?

5) Achievement

We then all need the achievement to realize what we have spent in our time/ life. Keep a bigger goal/ vision of what you're heading to, thus to spend the time, mostly aligned in the same direction and objectives. The realization will be reached easier. Here is a quick check list:

- What is the achievement you desire for?
- What is the performance that could support this achievement?
- What is the professional that will help make those performances?
- What should you learn to build those professional?
- What you could open to explore, in order to learn better for the above?

Being Backward, Actually is Being Forwarded

Put the above 5 steps backward, it makes ELPPA as APPLE as below.

- Achievement
- Performance
- Professional
- Learning
- Exploration

Create the vision about the ultimate goal and always keep that in mind will create a vivid path and more importantly a strong encouragement down the road, especially when encounter some unexpected. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. An APPLE at the moment, keeps yourself all in. Want to bite?

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